Jennifer Ann Schlag
author : Jennifer Ann Schlag
Jennifer Ann Schlag takes reality and smashes it into fantasy and lets things fall where they may. She is from New York and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. She finds inspiration from all things in life; the light and the dark are not to be feared. She has an infinite amount of love for animals, especially wolves. \n\nWhen not writing she can often be found reading about philosophy and science, taking sunset pictures, or doing PVP in World of Warcraft. Her favorite movie of all time is The Princess Bride because she believes it gives you a little bit of everything–making it the perfect movie. She spends way too much time on YouTube and often falls asleep with Netflix on. If she wasn't a writer, she'd be a filmmaker. There was a time that she considered becoming a scientist or an archaeologist.\n\nFollow her blog and sign up for her newsletter to receive all the latest news about upcoming releases and any other book related stuff. \nAlso follow her on facebook at:\n